What Is A Router Plane?

A router plane is a woodworking hand tool used for smoothing and shaping wood surfaces. It is commonly used to remove material in a precise and controlled manner.

The router plane consists of a flat base with a blade that protrudes through the sole. This blade can be adjusted to varying depths, allowing the woodworker to create accurate, uniform cuts. It is especially useful for leveling the bottom of grooves and dadoes, as well as for creating flat, smooth surfaces for joinery work.

Whether used by professional woodworkers or diy enthusiasts, router planes are essential tools for achieving precise and professional results in woodworking projects.

The Definition And Purpose Of A Router Plane

A router plane is a woodworking tool used for cutting, shaping, and smoothing surfaces. With a historical background dating back centuries, the router plane has been used by craftsmen to create precise and intricate designs. Its primary purpose is to remove excess material or create channels in wood, allowing for precise mortise and tenon joints.

Unlike a power router, a router plane relies on manual operation, providing greater control and accuracy. Woodworkers utilize router planes to flatten surfaces, create grooves, and adjust the depth of a cut. Their compact size and versatility make them indispensable in woodworking projects.

Whether in a professional workshop or a diy setting, a router plane is a valuable tool beloved by woodworkers for its ability to achieve precision and enhance the overall quality of their craft.

Components Of A Router Plane

A router plane consists of various components that play essential roles in its functionality. These parts include the body, handles, blade, and depth adjustment mechanism. The body of the router plane provides a sturdy foundation for the other components. The handles allow for a comfortable grip and easy maneuverability during use.

The blade, a crucial element, is responsible for cutting and shaping the wood. The depth adjustment mechanism enables precise control over the depth of the cut, ensuring accurate and desired results. The design and construction of a router plane are of utmost importance as they determine its efficiency and durability.

A well-designed and well-constructed router plane can significantly enhance woodworking projects, enabling smooth and precise operations.

Different Types Of Router Planes

Router planes are versatile tools used for various woodworking tasks. There are several types of router planes, each with its own unique features and functionality. These planes offer different capabilities and are suitable for different tasks. Lightweight router planes are perfect for delicate work, while heavy-duty ones are ideal for larger projects.

When choosing a router plane, it’s important to consider the features and functionality that best suit your needs. Some models have adjustable blades and fences, providing greater control and precision. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each type before making a decision.

It’s crucial to evaluate factors such as durability, ease of use, and price. By understanding the various types of router planes available, you can make an informed decision and select the one that best suits your woodworking tasks.

1. Bench Router Plane

A bench router plane is a tool used for woodworking that has a unique design and specific characteristics. It is primarily used for removing material from the surface of a wooden workpiece, creating flat and even surfaces. This type of plane is commonly found in workshops and is favored by both professional woodworkers and hobbyists.

The bench router plane features a wide and flat base for stability, along with handles on both sides for easy maneuverability and control. It is typically used for tasks such as leveling dadoes, mortises, or recesses in woodworking projects. By utilizing a bench router plane, woodworkers can achieve precise and accurate results, ensuring their projects are of the highest quality.

Whether it’s smoothing surfaces or making intricate cuts, a bench router plane is a valuable tool with numerous applications and benefits in the woodworking industry.

2. Router Plane With Adjustable Mouth

A router plane with an adjustable mouth is a versatile tool that enhances its functionality. Its adjustable mouth allows users to customize the width of the cut, making it suitable for various tasks. For instance, when working on fine woodworking projects, a narrower mouth can be utilized for delicate cuts.

On the other hand, for larger, more robust applications, a wider mouth can be set to remove more material. This feature gives woodworkers the flexibility to tackle different projects with ease. With a router plane with an adjustable mouth, tasks such as leveling recessed areas, creating grooves, or smoothing surfaces can be accomplished efficiently.

This tool provides precision and control, making it a valuable addition to any woodworker’s toolkit. Whether you are a professional or an aspiring hobbyist, a router plane with an adjustable mouth is an indispensable tool that opens up countless possibilities in woodworking.

3. Plow Router Plane

The plow router plane is a type of router plane specifically designed for cutting grooves or slots. It features a fixed fence and a depth adjustment mechanism, allowing for precise and controlled cuts. This type of router plane is often used in woodworking projects to create dado joints, rabbets, and grooves.

One of the main advantages of using a plow router plane is its versatility. It can be used to make cuts of various widths and depths, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. However, a disadvantage of using a plow router plane is that it requires skill and experience to operate effectively.

It can take some practice to master the technique and achieve consistent results. Overall, the plow router plane is a useful tool in woodworking, providing precision and control for creating grooves and slots in various projects.

How To Use A Router Plane

A router plane is a woodworking tool used for precision work, such as smoothing surfaces and cutting grooves. To use a router plane effectively, follow these steps. First, adjust the blade so that it protrudes slightly from the sole of the plane.

Next, position the plane on the workpiece and firmly hold the handles. Push the plane forward, exerting downward pressure to remove material. Repeat this motion until the desired depth or smoothness is achieved. Remember to work in small increments to avoid removing too much material at once.

To achieve the best results, keep the plane moving smoothly and consistently. Lastly, maintain a sharp blade by honing it regularly and using it on suitable materials. With proper setup and technique, a router plane can be a valuable tool for any woodworker.

Maintenance And Care Of A Router Plane

Proper maintenance is vital for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of a router plane. Cleaning and storing the tool correctly will help prevent any damage or wear over time. Regularly remove any debris or sawdust from the plane’s body and blades.

It’s also important to keep the plane’s moving parts oiled and lubricated to ensure smooth operation. When not in use, store the router plane in a dry and safe place to avoid any rust or corrosion. If you encounter any issues with the router plane, like dull blades or misalignment, troubleshoot by checking the blade sharpness and adjusting the alignment.

Following these maintenance tips will keep your router plane in top condition and ready for any woodworking project you tackle.


To sum up, a router plane is a versatile tool that can enhance your woodworking projects by allowing you to create precise and clean cuts. With its adjustable depth and various types of blades, it is perfect for tasks like leveling, grooving, and dadoing.

The compact design makes it easy to handle and maneuver, while the ergonomic handles ensure a comfortable grip. By investing in a high-quality router plane, you can take your woodworking skills to the next level and achieve professional results. Remember to choose a router plane that suits your specific needs and preferences, considering factors such as blade types, adjustability, and durability.

Whether you are a seasoned woodworker or a beginner, incorporating a router plane into your tool collection will undoubtedly provide you with endless possibilities to unleash your creativity and precision.